De vegades Austràlia sembla un enorme paradís feliç ple de cangurs, platges i gent moderna. Però per alguns pot ser un infern. Sobretot per les persones asiàtiques immigrants que intenten arribar-hi escapant de la guerra i la misèria, les quals són forçosament portades a camps de concentració a Papua o Nauru per màfies de tràfic de persones pagades pel govern australià. Tot plegat resulta particularment cínic tenint en compte que l'Austràlia moderna es va crear sobre la ruïnes i el genocidi de les societats natives.
Australia sometimes is seen as a huge and happy paradise full of kangaroos, beaches and cool people. But for some it can be a hell. Especially for the Asian immigrant people trying to get there escaping from war and misery, who are forcely sent into concentration camps in Papua or Nauru by human trafficking mafias payed by the Australian government. This seems particularly cynical taking into account modern Australia was created on the ruins and genocide of native societies.
Australia sometimes is seen as a huge and happy paradise full of kangaroos, beaches and cool people. But for some it can be a hell. Especially for the Asian immigrant people trying to get there escaping from war and misery, who are forcely sent into concentration camps in Papua or Nauru by human trafficking mafias payed by the Australian government. This seems particularly cynical taking into account modern Australia was created on the ruins and genocide of native societies.
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