molt bé veient els cotxes de colors com donen voltes. Ja podeu agrair a la
policia que hagi assassinat desenes de manifestants desarmats per tal que pugueu veure aquest espectacle encantador. Agraïu a Berny Ecclestone
i a tots els pilots que siguin tan idiotes i inhumans com per desentendre’s del
que passa al seu voltant, agraïu-los que siguin còmplices de la dictadura. Agraïu
al dictador Al Khalifa que hagi destinat els seus petrodòlars a obrir aquest
fantàstic circuit, i no a garantir una vida digna als ciutadans del seu país. Ell,
el dictador, també us està molt agraït.
This weekend the
world is watching Formula 1 GP of Bahrain in a city, Manama, that lives in an
apparent calm, forced by the overwhelming presence of police. Meanwhile, few
kilometres away, Bahraini people are asking for respect, attention and help.
But the eyes of the world don’t leave this circuit of high cylinder cars,
multimillionaire pilots and pretty girls...
Enjoy this
weekend watching the colourful cars going round. You can thank the police
for having killed tens of disarmed demonstrators in order for you to watch this
wonderful performance. Let’s thank Berny Ecclestone and all the pilots for
being enough stupid an inhuman to ignore what is happening around them, let’s
thank them for being accomplice of the dictatorship. Let’s thank the dictator
Al Khalifa for having destined his petrodollars to open this amazing circuit,
instead of ensuring a worthy life for the citizens of his country. He, the
dictator, also thanks you a lot.
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